#Mak74thGrad: MaK Graduates 1,700 Master’s Students; Soldiers Nakalema, Byekwaso on List

Kampala, Uganda – The Head of the State House Investors Protection Col. Edith Nakalema, and Former Army Spokesperson Brig Flavia Byekwaso are among the 1,702 candidates who will be awarded Master’s degrees at Makerere University this week.

Makerere University, a premier institution in sub-Saharan Africa, has kicked off a five-day-long series of graduation ceremonies, with a record-breaking total of 12,914 students set to receive degrees and diplomas, including three honorary doctorates.

Information from the graduation booklet reveals the statistics which present a breakdown of master’s degree enrollments, revealing both the female and male participation within each college. The total shows 1,702 students will receive their Master’s degrees this week.

Breaking down the numbers by college, the College of Health Sciences emerges as a notable leader, with 349 master’s degree students. Following closely is Makerere University Business School, contributing significantly with 336 master’s degree candidates.

The College of Business and Management Sciences and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences complete the top four with 214 and 260 master’s degree students, respectively.

Analyzing gender distribution, the data highlights a commendable balance in the number of male and female students pursuing master’s degrees. Across all colleges, females account for 890 graduands, while males closely follow with 812.

This balanced representation underlines the university’s commitment to providing equal opportunities for both genders.

Conversely, in the College of Business and Management Sciences, Makerere University Business School, and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, females exhibit a higher graduation.

The School of Law, while comparatively smaller in size, maintains a balanced gender distribution, emphasizing inclusivity in the legal education domain.

Post Graduate Diplomas

The comprehensive statistics have also provided a detailed breakdown of enrollments in postgraduate diploma programs within each college. The total of 156 students who are graduating underscores Makerere University’s role as a hub for continuous learning and skill development.

Examining the data college-wise, the College of Education and External Studies emerges as a frontrunner, with 81 students. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences follows closely with 45 students, emphasizing the demand for diploma-level qualifications in these disciplines.

Notably, the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology contributes significantly with 17 students, showcasing the diversity of academic interests within this college.

Analyzing the gender distribution, the statistics reveal a balanced representation, with females accounting for 67 of the draguands and males closely following with 89. This parity exemplifies Makerere University’s commitment to providing equal opportunities for both genders in postgraduate diploma programs.

The College of Education and External Studies demonstrates gender diversity, with 40 females and 41 males enrolled, creating an inclusive learning environment. Similarly, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences showcases a balanced gender distribution, reflecting the university’s dedication to equality in academic pursuits.

In the College of Business and Management Sciences, the postgraduate diploma programs witness participation from both genders, reinforcing the university’s mission to provide accessible and diverse educational opportunities.

While the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources, and Biosecurity registers a smaller cohort, the gender distribution remains noteworthy, illustrating inclusivity in specialized fields.

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