MAKERERE UNIVERSITY: Politics and misinformation have been blamed for the ‘dismal’ performance of youth livelihood programmes in Northern Uganda.
A new PhD study will next week reveal why, during a PhD Public Defence at Makerere University in Uganda, ResearchFinds has learnt.

“The failure of most Youth Interest Groups signifies that youth were not fully prepared to take up investments in different sectors,” the study, which was conducted in Gulu District, observes.
The study, which is a subject of a PhD Public Defence on Wednesday September 7, 2022, was carried out by candidate Enos Kitambo.
The Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) is a Government of Uganda financed programme designed as one of the interventions of the Government in response to the high unemployment rate and poverty among the youth in the country. It covers all the 112 Districts of Uganda (including Kampala Capital City Authority).
Cabinet and Parliament approved a budget of UShs265 Billion (Approx. US$. 100 million) for the first 5 years of implementation 2013-14 to 2017-18. The Programme was launched January 24, 2014.
A PhD Public Defence is often viewed solely as an academic event marking and evaluating the end of a research project, leading to recommendation for the award of a Doctor of Philosophy. Typically, discussions on the doctoral defence center on the scholarly dimension. The defence is often viewed solely as an academic event marking and evaluating the end of a research project.
“With politics at play, youth were misinformed about the agenda of the intervention, thus developing greed for cash than expanding and sustaining investments for social change,” Mr. Kitambo reveals further in an abstract ahead of his defence.

The PhD Public Defence which has attracted our Events Desk, has been announced by the Dean, School of Social Sciences at Makerere University, which will feature Mr. Kitambo’s Thesis Title: “Social Entrepreneurship and Youth Social Economic Empowerment in Acholi Sub-Region, Northern Uganda.”
Mr. Kitambo was supervised by Associate Professor Julius Omona of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration Makerere University assisted by Dr. Firminus Mugumya from the same department.

In his abstract, Mr. Kitambo further notes that although social entrepreneurship plays an important role in fostering youth socio-economic empowerment world over, it is unclear how impactful the Ugandan government interventions are promoting youth socio-economic empowerment particularly in Gulu District in Acholi, sub-region, Northern Uganda.
“Through the lenses of Empowerment Theory and Positive Youth Development Framework, this study targeted youth (18-30 years) who are beneficiaries of government-oriented youth livelihood programmes (YLP),” he writes.
He adds: “Qualitatively, employing exploratory design and a case approach on Youth Interest Groups (YIGs), the study explored the contribution of social entrepreneurship in promoting youth socio-economic empowerment.”
He reveals that the findings indicated that social entrepreneurship interventions have the potential to leverage socio-economic empowerment among youth, but they can do so if certain conditions are met.
His study blames politics at play and the fact that youth were misinformed about the agenda of the intervention, thus developing greed for cash rather than expanding and sustaining investments for social change.
His study recommends to policy makers, a thorough and holistic entrepreneurial training incorporating psychosocial support and parental involvement in guiding the selection of productive youth to ensure social innovation and profitability in Northern Uganda.
In what will excite policy makers at the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Kitambo further recommends a thorough and holistic entrepreneurial training incorporating psychosocial support and parental involvement in guiding the selection of productive youth to ensure social innovation and profitability.
The time for the Defence is 9:00 am at the School of Social Sciences Upper Lecture Theater.
Who is Mr. Enos Kitambo?
Mr. Kitambo is a lecturer at Gulu University’s Faculty of Public Administration and Management. His research interests center on Social Entrepreneurship. He holds a Diploma Business Education, BA public Administration and an MA in International Peace Studies (Social Entrepreneurship). He trades a teacher, trainer, researcher and entrepreneur with a passion for social work for youth entrepreneurship.
He can be reached on Email: and his published paper on this subject: Exploring Youth Livelihood Challenges in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda can be accessed here:
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