By Godwin Agaba
“Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”- Gen. Douglas MacArthur I first met Gen. Elly Tumwine in 2006. It was in September while I worked as a
reporter with Newline agency of Rwanda Independent Media Group (RIMEG). I hadtraveled from Kigali to Mbarara with my former Managing Editor, Mr. Charles Kabonero, to attend Ntare School golden jubilee celebrations (to cover a story).Before that, I had heard about him many times as one of the top fighters and commanders that worked with President Museveni in the bush and in Government.
He was a household name in Ankole but I had never come close to him until that day in 2006. On reaching Mbarara, we booked a modest hotel in one of Mbarara’s suburbs called Omukijungu (facing Masaka road). The place was so “humble” that I don’t recall its name. In the morning, we woke up for breakfast in the dining room, and guess whom we set eyes on; Gen. Tumwine himself, accompanied by his wife. The couple, who were united in holy matrimony in 1989, sat near our table. Tumwiine, good-humoredly, greeted us “Bwasheshya?” (Is it a new day?) We responded “Bwashesya, Afande”. (It’s a new day). There were no escorts, no airs around this former Army Commander, member of the NRA/UPDF High Command and historical, one who shot the NRA’s first bullet at Kabamba was in the building. We kept wondering how a General can stay in such a modest hotel. Outside the hotel, there was no sign that a General of his caliber was around.
We all finished our business at the place and left. Years down the road, l found myself with the four-star General on the same WhatsApp group. One of the biggest WhatsApp groups in Uganda, it has members from all walks of life; corporate, security, civil society, lawyers, legislatures, police,senior citizens, doctors, diaspora, name it! In the usual social media way, members on the group criticized him, criticized the army he helped to build,criticized / talked ill of security agencies he headed, criticized Parliament which he was part of for longtime, criticized the NRA guerilla war that brought them to power, but in all this, Gen. Tumwine remained humble and unprovoked. He never attacked or clashed with anyone. Yet this man was an achiever whom most members on the forum did not deserve to tie his shoe laces.
That’s when you know that most achievers are not where they are by accident-it’s a thing of attitude. When you humble yourself, you are raised; when you are haughty, you’re humbled. He was a real Gentle General! Tumwine’s last message on our space on July 28, 2022 was: “DO YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO? AND DO WHAT YOU LOVE? SO THAT YOU DO IT TO YOU BEST AND LET GOD DO THE REST!” It was a prophetic post that I believe was his
parting message to us as the angels beckoned him. I will live by his eternal counsel. He has been described as a hardworking soldier man and an ardent artist who was an art teacher before the pangs of revolutionary struggle came calling. Among his famous art gigs, Tumwine designed the UPDF Flag, Emblem and camouflage Uniform, Wazalendo SACCO colors and flag and the award-winning Shs50, 000 Uganda shilling note. Though he had one eye, having lost the other during the bush war, his sight was perfect, with a thing for color and creativity.
But the General’s light side has been muddled with the dark side of humanity. At a time of grieving, some persons are celebrating his demise, in a fashion that has become common on social media. I think these are individuals who didn’t know the General well. They are political in their views but that’s not how humans should behave. Tumwine was not perfect but neither are those celebrating his death.Tumwine ran his race; he wrote history, he is a liberator and nothing can erase that track record. I choose to stand with those who eulogized him in the normal African culture. Ellady Muyambi, Human Rights Defender, Executive Director at Historic Resources Conservation Initiatives ( HRC) AND Secretary General Uganda Network on Toxic Free Malaria Control ( UNETMAC):
“He was my best friend, indeed. We worked together on saving the Uganda National Museum, National Theater and Nommo Gallery from being demolished by non-heritage lovers. Me and him discussed so many things about the restoration and complete recognition of Ankole Kingdom by the Central Government. Part of his efforts in this endeavor helped the renovation of Mugaba Palace. As Banyankore, we know that we have lost a great man. RIP my best friend”
Richard Byamugisha, member of Statewide Multicultural Advisory (SMAC) and member of Office of Mental Health (OMH) legal services and advocacy, New York: “I am not mourning Afande Tumwine, I am celebrating his life! He has run his marathon well both as a military man and as a politician. No one is to leave this planet earth alive, it is how your journey has been. Afande, you did it your way as a blessed human being. You led us well, you well one of our best leaders! To all NRA combatants, the UPDF fraternity this man made us proud and he has gone down a happy one! We are human beings, we have our faults and good deeds. Afande Elly did it his own way. We are to miss his guidance and entertainment. RIP Afande!”
Dr. Deus Kamunyu Muhwezi, Lecturer and Researcher: “Gen.Tumwine was also a creative man and yet modest. He was brutally honest also. He loved his country and rose in the dust of its building. Often building comes with a share of mistakes. No body claims perfection in the building of a nation. Above all he earned his heroism and was patriot”.
Kato Max, a relative: “Rest well, Gen. commander, the second most senior revolutionary of the mighty NRA / UPDF, a patriot, a family man, an evangelist, a cultural enthusiast and an icon of our clan. May the Almighty God judge you with mercy and rest your soul in eternity. Kindly, send our regards and greetings to your fellow fallen comrades who must have welcomed you with jubilation in heaven. I can’t control tears in my eyes because you loved your relatives. I have fond memories as child about my first ever gift that you gave us with my twin brother – customized identical clay cups that you made with your own hands.As a serving officer, you loved the army with you all heart. RIP. Turyakushangayo Afande”
Mushabe Martin, an Agriculturalist: “I don’t know why the media is cutting short Gen. Elly Tumwine’s statement about police’s right of shoot to kill!? He said, ‘Police has the right to shoot and kill you, if you cross a certain line of engagement’. The media is saying, ‘General Elly Tumwine said that police has the right to shoot and kill you”.
Martha Muheesi: a Chef “I have such a heavy heart towards my nation today. I sometimes reflect vividly what the lives of these revolutionaries were like as they fought for us to sleep deeply at night. I agree with Marc Anthony but I also agree with Tolstoy who said “All families are happy but every family is unhappy in its own way”. We celebrate and demonize our revolutionaries as and when it pleases us but these men and women gave their lives for something surely even something as small as being mourned with dignity.Rest in peace to the gentle Giant. I will miss you Afande Cool “
Tom Namanya, a Grammarian: “Ironically, Tumwine fought for freedom.Tumwine shed his blood so that people can speak freely”.
Godwin Agaba is a Ugandan-American who lives in Ohio / US.