WEBINAR: Top Researchers Convene to Discuss Future of Africa’s Data Ethics in Research


The need to tap into opportunities that come with investment in data science has attracted a high-level webinar to find common ground on data ethics in research and education for the countries of Africa.

Data science is an interdisciplinary academic field that uses statistics, scientific computing, scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract or extrapolate knowledge and insights from noisy, structured, and unstructured data, according to Vasant Dhar, a researcher at New York University.

Top researchers in Africa and Europe are convening on Tuesday, March 6, 2023, under the theme: “The Importance of Data Ethics in Research and Education.” It is sponsored by the African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) and powered by the Ethical Data Initiative (EDI).

Top Researchers Convene to Discuss Future of Africa’s Data Science Economy

AICAD is a regional organization charged with linking university-generated technologies to the communities to fight poverty. EDI on the other hand is a UK organisation that provides a neutral space to bring together diverse actors and stakeholders, shaping the future of data governance.

“We are living in a digitally transformed society. Data drives problem-solving and better decision-making. While the digital revolution has transformed the way we live, solving many issues; it has also given rise to numerous questions and challenges which affect everyone,” Dr. Kinyuru said in a release sent to this Research Finds News.

According to Dr. John Kinyuru, Deputy Executive Director of the African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), the webinar has attracted a panel of eminent persons from across East Africa, South Africa, and Europe who will be discussing data ethics in research and the opportunities available

Dr. John Kinyuru

He said where data is driving all human activity, it is important to ask questions such as; ‘What governance policies and frameworks are needed to make sure digital technologies and opportunities are available for everyone and there are no monopolies created?’ How do we make sure there are proper governance mechanisms in place to embed values in all data ecosystems?’

“In doing so, we aim to increase equality and exclusivity in the data space; building data confidence and empowering the digital citizens of tomorrow,” Dr. Kinyuru adds.

Some of the areas the webinar is going to focus on are: How data ethics issues affect all of us, who owns the data and who benefits from it, what economic model data vendors use, how can researchers protect human rights in the digital platform economy, what is data colonialism and how can the North-South divide in data generation be addressed and how can researchers build capacity for Data Ethics in universities, SMEs and industry.

Dr. Kinyuru adds that the goal of the webinar is to set a scene for the establishment of Ethical Data Research Centres in Universities in Africa to build capacity in Data Science and Data Ethics.

AICAD is already working with EDI to establish the centers in its over 20 member universities in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda).

Top Researchers Convene to Discuss Future of Africa’s Data Science Economy
AICAD Head-office in Kenya

The centres will be established with the aim to: Provide a neutral space to enable multilateral conversations in data ethics, Provide Ethical Digital Leadership, priority setting, collaboration, development, and guidance to both public and private sectors, Co-develop with interested organisations policy frameworks for Data Ethics in consultation with all stakeholders.

The centers will further Co-develop with interested universities and scientific organisations a series of Executive Education Programmes, aimed at senior government officials and industry leaders, Provide advice in Data Ethics and Data governance to governments, industry, and the research community and Co-develop with interested organisations Digital Citizenship Training for the education sector.

Top Researchers Convene to Discuss Future of Africa’s Data Science Economy

Research Finds News understands that these centers will also be utilized to Co-develop with interested organisations policy programmes and campaigns to raise public awareness around the importance of data ethics.

To register for this webinar, please follow this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqf-GorTgvGtIYEQbWqlEj-uvHQ6x_C-1U

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